
Prezi Night Tokyo 8 実施レポートの英語版を公開してみる

2019年3月1日 - Other, Presentation
Prezi Night Tokyo 8 実施レポートの英語版を公開してみる

Prezi Expertとしての役割の中に、Prezi Nightのようなイベントを実施したらPrezi本社にレポートを送る、というものがあります。あります、というか、エキスパートの必須タスクというわけではなく、”こういうのやってるよ” っていうのをアップしておかないと地理的に遠いPrezi本社にはなかなか届かないので、僕が自発的にレポートを書いて送っています。これも広義の意味でのプレゼンテーション、ですね。



なお、これは世界中のPrezi ExpertとPrezi社の社員で共有しているフォーラムにアップしており、Preziの営業・開発スタッフから経営陣までみんな見ています。めちゃくちゃ短いレポートですが、こういうのでも書くのは世界中のPrezi Expertの中でも僕くらいなので、けっこうおもしろがって各国のエキスパートも見てくれています。

Hello Prezilians,

On the evening of 8th of February, we had a Prezi fan event “Prezi Night Tokyo 8” in Tokyo, Japan. Here I’m sharing the brief report just for your interests and references.
First of all, thank you, Belinda, for all of your support for this event!!


This event is run by Prezi Nippon (  “Nippon” means “Japan” in Japanese), Japanese Prezi fan community in which I’m serving as a head of the organizers.




We had successful time with 80 audiences at this 3-hours event and we got sponsorship from Logicool Japan. Here is the short movie of the event. All the presenters were talking in Japanese, but I bet you’ll feel the atmosphere 😉

Here’s the prezi data that each of the presenters shared.

– Main Presentations –

Yudai Shibuya, CEO of MOVED Co., Ltd. “What is Prezi? What is Prezi Night?”

Shogo Mochizuki, CEO of PreZenDou “Strange & Unusual Prezi”
(He made this data with mixing Prezi, Keynote and PowerPoint)

Yumiko Oya, CEO of Nature Union “Why are your intestines important?”

Fuji “Accentuating your Prezi by controlling planet topics”

Makoto Higashino CEO of Polaris Infotech Co., Ltd. “How to make Prezume in Japanese”

– Lightning Talks –

Hikari Ozawa “Ideas to use Prezi Next”

Miki Madarame “My life as a new veterinarian”

Fuji “Demonstration of Prezi AR”
(I’m using some GIF animations in it, if you copy and try it with Prezi AR, you can see how it works.)

Through this event, I felt fervent expectation from Japanese users for Prezi AR or future technology. The number of users are still small amount in Japan, but gradually Japanese company is getting interested in Prezi these days. I will planning to have another Prezi Night in the other cities in Japan this year.

Thanks for watching/reading, you guys.
Hope this report would stimulate a bit of your inspiration and creativity.

と、いう感じです。なおPrezi ARのシェアについてはPrezi社用なので、ここではリンクをはずしています。
